About Us

Clever Family Homes specializes in home & business surge protection solutions. We provide a range of kits and solutions that help protect all your Power, Coaxial, HDMI, Ethernet, and Power connections. As more people digitize and work from home, it becomes critical to protect all the sensitive devices and appliances from electric power surges and voltage fluctuations.

How did we get our start?

We lost many of our devices and appliances to a nearby lightning strike and decided to research how to best protect our home. We then realized that there are thousands of people who could also benefit from our solutions and the company was born.

What makes our products unique?

Every single one of our products is used in our own homes. In this way, we know firsthand how to best install and troubleshoot them. We also quality test them using under/over voltage/surge simulators to make sure they work as they should. We supply a range of solutions, effectively covering all major appliances and devices.

What problem are we solving?

More and more homes now depend on sensitive electronics that are vulnerable to electrical power surges. Our solutions provide a last line of defense for your network, appliances & devices.

Why do we love what we do?

Our homes are becoming mini data centers full of smart devices. We love this technology and how it improves our lifestyle. We love testing new devices and solutions in a real-world environment, and then passing the knowledge onto other people.

What makes us different from other vendors?

We offer a range of surge protection solutions to protect Homes and Businesses. We think this is important. You only have to deal with one vendor, Us!

How can you trust our company and our products?

We have experienced surges in our own homes, and use every single one of our own products. We realize the problems dealing with multiple vendor solutions, and are constantly improving our products and services. All our products are proven and quality tested to make sure your devices and appliances are protected from power surges.

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